funny entertaining
this game is pretty origanal flying full speed down a highway avoiding anythinf very fun amazing game and decent muzic
funny entertaining
this game is pretty origanal flying full speed down a highway avoiding anythinf very fun amazing game and decent muzic
love but some trips
i hate it i made it to the giant metal thingie and yet i had to start over once it powerd me full of lead
good but not good -1
you get a nine cause i killed the thing in 4 seconds even though i never said aprove or deny it but overall funny concept
this game is so fun i like parts when the last guy is making it across in the bridge breaks on him
ive been playong this on kongergate teh dont have many metals so little sad but you fucking rock making a 3rd you makin a 4th? NATILIES BOOBS CAN BE FONDLED AND LOOK ITS NOT A THOUSENDED COMMENTED
like making songs and adding them 2 pom2
good but
certin times like in the lvl outpost it adds up to the perfect shot unless you have the secert potion but still good game
good game but
When you play OMFG mode with Hank Its impossible
its a good game even when you start off without mf and mcdonald dude and tank but since when do schools start packing guns
i didnt really like the game like i like the graphics and music but i dont like the one thing that was theres no real action u knw like no killing no blood but the graphics and music gave it a five